Common Orthodontic Issues

Impacted Canine

crowding of the teeth beforeBefore
crowding of the teeth afterAfter

This teen’s canine was impacted in the roof of his mouth. Dr. Brazeau sent him for surgery to uncover the tooth and place an attachment on it. She then moved the tooth down and out into place. The blue item in the before picture is a separator. It is preparing his teeth for braces. 

Crowding, Deep Bite


This patient presented with baby teeth still present. He had crowding and a crossbite. Dr Brazeau managed the eruption of his permanent teeth with a lower holding bar for 14 months. Then he needed braces for only 18 months.

Open Bite


This adult patient had a severe open bite that prevented him from biting into food with his front teeth. Dr Brazeau closed the bite and improved the smile with Invisalign®.

Crowding, Crossbite


This adult patient had a moderate amount of crowding and an anterior crossbite. The lower left canine was being pushed out of bone. Dr. Brazeau corrected the bite in 20 months with Invisalign®.



This teen patient had significant spaces between his teeth. Dr. Brazeau used Invisalign to close the spaces and align the teeth in 20 months.

Crossbite, Underbite, Openbite


This teen presented with a complicated case. Her lower teeth stuck out further than her upper teeth and her front teeth did not touch. Skeletally, her lower jaw was bigger than her upper jaw. Dr. Brazeau was able to treat her without surgery.

Overbite, Gummy Smile


This adult patient did not like her overbite and gummy smile. Dr. Brazeau had two upper bicuspids removed. She then moved the upper incisors up and back, and created a beautiful smile in 26 months.

Deformed Upper Incisors, Underbite, Spacing, Midline Descrepancy


This teen patient has a large lower jaw. Additionally, the upper lateral incisors are small and misshapen. His lower incisors bite in front of his upper incisors, causing damage to these teeth. Dr. Brazeau built the incisors to the correct size and shape and fixed the underbite in 24 months. We will monitor him until he stops growing to make sure the underbite does not return.

Crossbite, Mandibular Shift


This patient had a crossbite of the right canines. To get her teeth together she had to shift her jaw to the right. This gave her a facial asymmetry with her chin to the right of her face. Dr Brazeau corrected the crossbite and centered the chin with her face. Patient had braces for 16 months.

Space, Deep Bite


This patient had a large gap between his front teeth. Additionally, his bite was so deep he was biting into the roof of his mouth. In 26 months of braces Dr. Brazeau was able to correct the bite and align the teeth for a handsome smile.

Buck Teeth, Deep Bite, Midline Discrepancy, Rotated Bicuspid


This teen patient presented with extremely protrusive front teeth. Additionally, one bicuspid was rotated sideways. Dr Brazeau brought the teeth into line and closed the gap. He had braces for 24 months.

Impacted Teeth, Deep Bite, Crowding


This patient presented with severe crowding and “fangs.” Dr. Brazeau made space in the arch with springs and brought the canines into line. He had braces for 31 months waiting for eruption.

Crowding, Crossbite, Gingival Recession


This adult patient has crowding and a crossbite. He wore braces for 22 months. Rubber bands were used to pull the lower teeth back over bone, and will help minimize future recession.

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